索引号 11341702000111222F/202109-00141 组配分类 产业基础
发布机构 宁国市人民政府(办公室) 发文日期 2021-09-22 22:44
发布文号 关键词 食品及农林产品深加工产业,产业基础
信息来源 宁国市人民政府(办公室) 主题导航 综合政务
信息名称 食品及农林产品深加工产业 内容概述


  To extend the food and agricultural and forestry products processing industry chain, promote the strategic cooperation between Shunan Company and Shounong Group, rely on Yunyan Food and other leading enterprises to promote the development of the whole poultry industry chain, and form a poultry industry carrier of ten billion yuan. Based on the mountains' resource advantage to promote pecan industry modernization development, actively guide the bamboo shoots, torreya grandis, tea,traditional Chinese medicinal materials to the deep processing of the green food industry and combined with electronic commerce, food consumption culture, cultural tour to form regional brand advantage.We will make a characteristic of Anhui Yangtze river delta high quality food and agriculture and forestry products supply base.