索引号 11341702000111222F/202110-00056 组配分类 产业基础
发布机构 宁国市人民政府(办公室) 发文日期 2021-10-20 20:01
发布文号 关键词 循环经济产业,产业基础
信息来源 宁国市人民政府(办公室) 主题导航 综合政务
信息名称 循环经济产业 内容概述


  With Sierte as the core, we will highlight the R&D of new fertilizers and the recycling and utilization of industrial solid waste, promotes green manufacturing, digs the circular economy industry, extends the downstream industry chain, and creates a circular economy industry chain based on the R&D and production of new fertilizers and the recycling and reuse of wastes and new energy-saving building materials.
  Anhui Sierte Fertilizer Industry Co., Ltd.
  公司占地面积80余万平方米,拥有职工3500余人,总资产80亿元,现已具备年产高浓度缓释复合肥、测 土配方肥、高端水溶肥及生物有机肥等新型肥料产品120万吨、磷酸一铉75万吨、硫酸110万吨的生产能力, 综合实力跻身中国磷复肥行业十强、安徽制造业综合实力50强,是安徽省最大的磷复肥生产和出口基地之 一、国家农业部测土配方施肥定点生产企业,产品畅销全国29个省市2000多个。
  The company covers an area of more than 800,000 square meters, with more than 3500 employees and total assets of 8 billion yuan. With an annual production capacity of nearly 1.2 million tons of high quality compound fertilizer,750,000 tons of monoammonium phosphate,1.1 million tons of sulfuric acid are produced and sold annually. It rank among China's top ten phosphate compound fertilizer industry, Anhui Top 50 enterprises,one of the largest production and export bases of phosphorus compound fertilizer in Anhui Province,National Ministry of Agriculture soil testing formula fertilization fixed-point production enterprises. The products of the company sell well in 29 provinces and more than 2000 cities.